Find some of our most frequently asked questions regarding Heart and Hydration, below!
Q: How much sucralose is in the H&H packets?
A: There is about 50 mg of sucralose in each packet of H&H.
Q: What sweeteners do you use and why?
A: We use one or more sweeteners in our products, depending on the best combination for the flavor we are working on. Xylitol, sucralose, and stevia are the three sweeteners you may find in our products.
Xylitol is called an alcohol sugar. It doesn’t contain alcohol (meaning ethanol); it’s just a description of its chemical structure. It has fewer calories than regular sugar, but tastes a lot like sugar.
Sucralose is a calorie-free artificial sweetener. It is not digested or absorbed by the body, so it is completely safe, and it tastes a lot like sugar.
Stevia is a plant based natural sweetener that does not provide calories. It is sweet but also bitter, so we often combine it with other sweeteners to get a well-rounded sweetness.
Q: Are the carbs in H&H net carbs? How does xylitol affect the carb count?
A: Yes, the carbs are net carbs. Xylitol does not contribute to the net carb total due to the way it gets broken down in the body, it is considered a sugar alcohol, but
it is not counted in the carb count.
The main source of carbs in the H&H is from the chicory root inulin. It is the source of fiber in the H&H and fiber is made up of sugar molecules, such as fructose in this ingredient, and gets broken down by gut bacteria, contributing a small amount to the net carbohydrate and calorie content of the product.
Q: Are there any citric or oxalates in the products?
A: Some of our products do have citric acid in them. The products with citric acid are H+H, Truvy Boost drinks, truSLUMBER and VitaFIX and Calm gummies.
Q: Can I put your drink mixes into hot water?
A: Yes, that should be just fine! Some people like different temperatures, and it won’t have any negative effects on the benefits of our products. We don’t recommend boiling or baking our products however, as those high temperature can break down active ingredients.
Q: Where can I find ingredient information for the products?
A: We are currently updating our website to provide more information for our customers about our products and their ingredients. In the meantime, you can find information in your back office, or feel free to send in questions to our product questions email,
Q: Is it okay for my kids to take your products?
A: We recommend that anybody taking our products be 18 years or older. The H&H drinks, Truvy Shake and VitaFIX gummies are okay for kids, but the rest of our products were not designed for children.
Q: Does the H&H Grapefruit have actual grapefruit in it?
A: H&H grapefruit contains natural grapefruit flavor, and this flavor comes from grapefruit. The amount is small, and it only contains grapefruit smell, and does not contain other active ingredients from grapefruit except in trace amounts.
Q: What is the recommended use of the drink packets? How many should I take a day?
A: Our drink packets are a great way to benefit from Truvy ingredients while also having a delicious drink to sip on throughout the day! The best way to take Vy Boost drink is one sachet in the morning, and one in the early afternoon. Heart and Hydration drinks can be enjoyed anytime throughout the day. Heart & Hydration plus with caffeine should not be taken with Vy Boost, but at a different time during the day, if desired.